Using public domain images to make patterns

Recently I’ve been working on a cross stitch pattern design of a Japanese warrior:

Warrior design

I’ve based my design on an artwork that is available for re use as it is in the public domain:

Yashima Gakutei, Sashukutei Kitaru, c. 1821 - 1825

The Rijksmuseum museum has digitised thousands of public domain artworks, and awesomely, they have made these freely available for reuse with hi-res downloads. This warrior can be found here.  It’s amazing and inspiring to see the artworks of the past introduced to a new online world, where they can be legally reused in creative ways. 

There is no easy way to create a cross stitch pattern from such an image, it requires individually adjusting pixels, and I like to limit the colour palette to less than a dozen colours. I already spent hours refining the pattern already! Look out for the complete pattern when I’m done.